Relationships are complicated these days. With all the turmoil we get in our everyday lives, it is no wonder that we want to let go of some steam. More and more long-distance relationships evolve and the use of technology has certainly contributed to the variety of the things we can do. Sexting was the term that was mentioned a lot for a while, but somehow phone sex is still very popular and coming back big time! If you are not sure what it refers to, keep reading, we’ll help you find out.
What exactly is phone sex?

Being face to face with someone certainly makes things easy in the sex department, but what happens when you miss someone and you want to heat things up a little bit? Well, you call them on the phone! It doesn’t have to be limited to saying “I miss you, I love you, it can also go much further. Talking about the ways you want your partner to behave in the bedroom could significantly spark up the things.
It can mean discussing the way things could go if you were together, or talk about the things you already did. Some couples believe that talking about fantasies over the phone is much easier because in case your significant other doesn’t accept it, you can always talk about something else. You won’t be as embarrassed as you would face to face. The great thing about it is that you know your body better than anyone else, so you have full control over your own pleasure. Your partner will help you by voice, but you will be in charge of the way you want it to go.
The most important thing is to be open-minded and doesn’t judge is your partner is trying to open up and tell you more about the intimate wants and needs. Not judging your partner for the things that he or she likes will certainly help you deepen your relationship and build a strong relationship. Let’s face it – sex is a pretty important aspect of every relationship, so it deserves our attention.
Tips for a hotter phone sex

Some people are simply shy and would never even consider talking dirty on the phone. However, if you are curious to find out how you could explore it, there are some tips that could help you. The most important thing is that you need to be alone. This is the only way to be able to focus on what your partner is saying and to fully engage in the conversation. If there is anyone nearby, you won’t be able to be open as much as you would want to.
Clothes are truly important, so wear what boosts your confidence and helps you relax. Describing what you are wearing will definitely make you feel hot. Considering that you will be using your phone, make sure it is charged. You don’t want your phone to turn off the moment it gets interesting! If you are planning a call, then you can think about a few scenarios that you could throw in and help you get in the mood. Also, some people benefit from creating a character. It is much easier to jump into the role and act sexy if you already have a character in mind.

Switch between being submissive and dominant. Play around and see what suits you more. Keep an open mind and see how your partner is reacting. Also, using toys will certainly help the whole experience. You can describe everything that you are doing or simply let your partner hear you while you are doing it. Sexting can ease you into the phone sex by getting you and your partner in the mood, so think about the things you want to say. Heat up the situation slowly and then move on to the conversation.
It is important to remember that there are no right or wrong ways. Do what feels good to you and simply enjoy it. Don’t be afraid to be vocal and open about the things you want. Be sensual and provocative, but also listen to what your partner is saying so you can respond. If you want, you can choose a role-play. This certainly helps some couples to relax and participate easier. Choose a character that will help you fully let go and play. Simply enjoy it and communicate with your partner. It can be really fun! Talk about all the things you fantasize about because phone sex should be a private and safe space where you can open up fully.
If you are still not sure how this works and you would like to try, you can easily do that by checking the sites such as phonesexnumbers and chat with other people with similar interests. It is a perfect way to relax and open up to the fantasies you are not ready to open up about to your partner just yet. It is anonymous and confidential, so it is a safe zone for everyone who wants to try it. Explore your desires and get familiar with how phone sex works and see what kind of talk do you actually like.

Confidence and the desire to play may be the most important things when it comes to discussing your intimate desires over the phone. Give yourself the chance to test the waters and see what you like the most. Don’t get too concerned about how the first conversation will be, because too much pressure may make you nervous. Relax and listen to what the other person has to say. Take to lead or let the other person leads you. It is a two-way street and can definitely be the best experience of your life. Don’t get disappointed if something doesn’t go as you imagined. There is always another try. It is a chance to get a better insight into your preferences and see it as a chance to accept some desires you perhaps weren’t even aware of.