Capitalizing on the wildly popular Kmart ads, California-based comedy and improv group, The Gunfordmay, created a parody ti*led “Ship My Knickers,” which plays on the word “ni**er.
Shoppers are extolling the value and versatility of Kmart “knickers,” while also expressing delight that they are so convenient to buy.
One man gushes about the “work knickers” that he uses in the yard. Then one satisfied woman says she bought knickers for her boyfriend’s birthday and “lazy knickers” for lounging around the house. And we can’t forget “dancing knickers.” One man is so thrilled to have “dancing knickers” that he breaks into an exuberant shuck-and-jive.
In the midst of all of these “knickers,” the lone Black man, upon realizing that the White shoppers aren’t saying “ni**gers,” chuckles and says, “Knickers, please.”
The spot ends with a (parody) Kmart worker assuring a shopper that the store can even ship his “knickers” by boat.