Mobile phones have become the life lines of the present day world. Ranging from business personalities to housewives, mobile phones have become an inseparable part of the life of everyone. One can perform all the tasks related to bank operations to mobile gaming on phone only. It has become an essentiality for those who are into online gambling. All in all, in every walk of an individual’s life, mobile is a necessity. There are basically two kinds of software in mobiles, one is Android and the other one is IOS, that is generally used in Apple mobile phones.
There comes a question again that which of the two softwares are safe for use. Most of the users of mobile phones use Android based phones and some of them use Apple IOS. But it is said that most of the mobile phones hacked are Android based. Apple mobile phones are more secure as compared to the Android ones.

Here are some points of comparison Android versus Apple iOS that we can refer to (for additional information visit this website):
How secure are the both operating systems: Android is an open-source kind of system. This is also called AOSP or “Android Open Source Project.” This system has an endangered side that it gives the security codes of the software in the hands of the developers and for that reason, developers may harm the original setups of the phone and may overcome the restrictions given by the manufacturer. This may allow the developer to install the unauthorized programmes in the mobile. On the other side Apple and other IOS software mobile phones have much more secure software and its encryption is standard and it cannot be used in unauthorized mode and is a least target of hackers. But android phones are much popular due to the large number of security apps available in it. Android users need to activate the encryption feature on themselves and that in IOS devices is standard.
Online Safety- Android and Apple: The first requirement to keep the mobile phones safe from any kind of malware attacks is to update their software regularly. Updating of IOS is easier due to the close packed security system of Apple. But again updating Android is again a tedious task because of a number of sellers selling android devices, the new android release becomes all the more difficult and a tedious task to be handled. But the Android users are at an advantage that Google offers a rectification of online issues of Android users within 90 days of complaints registered. Both Android and IOS make measures to update the software regularly but one should be vigilant enough to download the updated version as soon as it is launched.

Make sure you use lawful sites for any kinds of online games: Whenever you go for installing any gaming apps or go to any gaming sites, you must make sure that the website that you are using is legitimate or lawful or legalized. If you do not take care of it, you are most likely to become a victim of your mobile data being hacked. So make sure that you always go for a legitimate option while downloading any gaming app.
Precautions to be taken while installing any app: Wherever you go for downloading any app in an Android device, you must take into notice that you use apps only from Google Play Store and in case of doing the same in an Apple or an IOS phone, you must download any app from Apple App Store. If you do it, you are on the safest track.
Beware of the following things also: Even if you are having the most updated and the most secure android or IOS software, one should still take care of the cautions to be taken even if you have the best anti-virus possible. Even when you are using the most secure anti-virus, you must take care that not to share any details regarding your bank accounts or any other personal detail. Because it may be hacked and all your personal information may get leaked to the hackers and you fall victim to the online theft or blackmailing. You should also take care of the E-mail links that flash many a times on your E-mails. Unless it is not sure that from which source it has come or whether that source is legit or not, you must never click the links given. If you are clicking any link, the source of the link should be trusted and secured. If one wants to keep the mobile details or personal data safe and secure, one must use VPN or Virtual Private Network. It keeps all your data safe and secure.

When we want to draw ourselves a conclusion about which device is safer whether the Android device or the apple or IOS device, we come to a conclusion that no doubt Apple devices are a sure shot or more secure devices of the two. Apple devices have found to be more secure when it comes to online gaming. Though both the companies that are Android and Apple are really being on pins and needles and are really taking the toil to improve their security system.
Apple has even provided a facial scanner feature to its device which makes it really hard to be cracked by any other person else the owner of the mobile. Whenever you want to play any online games or any online gambling games, you must take care of the thing that whether the game you are opting for has a secured site or not. When you are on any secure gaming site, you are playing from a safe platform.
So just update the software of your phone regularly, install a secure and safe antivirus software and always go for the sites that are secure and never click on some unknown or less secure links. If you want to keep your personal data on the phone, then you must use a secure VPN and you are always safe from any kind of malware in your software. So just stay alert and stay safe.