People seem to expect failure when they hear about a long-distance relationship. If you find yourself in one, it is definitely hard to hear others say that it will never last.
You might be wondering if it is possible to keep the romance alive even when you aren’t together every day.
Luckily, with modern technology, it is easy to stay in contact with a significant other that is hours, maybe even days’ worth of travel away. Aside from video chatting and constant text messaging, there are many online activities to stay in contact with and have fun visit Romantific.com for some recommended amazing long distance date ideas.
While you will still miss the in-person affections and crave their company at social events, you can have your own fun from home by simply logging into a computer.
Stream Movies

Dinner and a movie seem like the ideal date night for the average couple, but you might not think it is feasible from a distance. According to Couple Travel The World, it is not only feasible but one of the best long distance date ideas!
With so many online movie streaming services, you and your significant other can press play at the same time and watch the movie as if you are together!
Pop some popcorn and get on a video chat so you can watch the movie in real-time just like you are spending the evening together.
Get in the routine of making every Friday night virtual movie night. You can pick a new genre of movies every week. Maybe one week is a rom-com and the next is a high-stakes gambling heist.
You don’t have to wait months at a time before you can have a movie date together. It can be your special way to get dates in when you spend a long time apart. And if you are looking for more creative date ideas for your LDR you can also check this site.
Play Slots Online

If you and your partner enjoy gaming, it might be fun to try your hand at online slots. You can both try to win big on high-stakes slots to help save up for a trip to see each other!
There are many online casinos that are equipped with chat features, so you can chat and play together. Even if the casino you like doesn’t allow you to chat, it can be fun to video chat and play at the same time.
If you and your significant other don’t want to spend a ton of money gambling on online slots, there are cheaper games that are still so much fun. For the couple looking to have fun without losing too much, penny slots might be the best option.
For most excitement, look for the games that have attractive themes and lower jackpots. These are fun to watch spin and are more likely to result in a win.
Playing online slots as a couple is a new, fun way to get closer. When you can’t travel to the casino together, playing online is just as fun, and maybe even a little more!
Listen to the Same Podcasts

Podcasts are taking over the world. Well, maybe not taking it over, but they are definitely on-trend right now.
There are podcasts on seemingly every topic you can think of, from your favorite show to sports updates and even book discussions.
Without a doubt, you and your partner share a ton of the same interests. It won’t be hard to find a podcast that you would both enjoy listening to.
While you can listen to it at the same time while on a video call, you can also listen to a podcast episode on your own time and chat after you have both listened to it. Podcasts often lead to invigorating discussion that can grow you closer together as a couple.
Listening to podcasts offers a great way to learn something new about something you both loves. It also offers a break from the typical chat about each other’s days, adding something different to the daily phone call routine.
Keep your relationship strong by finding something new to listen to and talk about.
Engage in More High-Stakes Online Gambling Games

While playing online slots together can be fun, it might not offer the intense thrill that some couples seek. Online table games might add a little extra excitement that could lead to huge wins.
According to Lucian Marinescu at OnlineCasinoGems, “online table games tend to have higher stakes, and you can easily join a game with your significant other. Online poker is a popular way to get your gambling fix that both of you can participate in.”
It is easy to bet real money and try to win even more. Go all-in or play more conservatively against your partner and the other players at the online table.
Poker isn’t the only table game that you can play online together. You can find other games like Texas Hold ’em and Let It Ride in various online casinos.
Hop in a game together to win some money and have fun even when you can’t see each other every day.
Create a Romantic Blog

If you are looking for something different to do that doubles as a way to document your adventures, it can be fun to create your own blog or website together!
When you are far apart, every memory you share is so important to keep safe. Having a blog about your long-distance relationship’s successes and even struggles can help others in the same situation feel more confident.
Creating a blog together can be a fun way to reminisce about the good times you’ve had. Write stories, share pictures and answer readers’ questions to get the full experience.
If your blog takes off, it can even be a fun way to make some extra money. Gain a following and advertise items to make the most out of the blogging experience.
Blogging about your relationship together can help you relive awesome memories and document your romance.
Anything you can do to strengthen your long-distance relationship is worth it. Don’t listen to the people that say you are destined to fail. Connecting online by playing games or watching movies is just as good as being together.