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Data Leaks: How They Happen And How They Can Be Prevented

Data leaks are a big threat to most companies. Not only do they leave your customers at risk of losing their personal information to...

How to Use OKRs: Steps That You Must Know

Are you thinking about how to use OKRs? Here's a quick overview: OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) are a popular goal-setting system that can...

Instagram Account Disabled: How To Appeal And Get It Reinstated In...

Instagram is a much-loved network for many people who use it constantly. Millions of people around the world communicate on the platform, share photos...

7 Things to Bring On Your First Travel Photography Trip

Do you know what type of camera would suit you well for travel photography? Or maybe you want to take some photos of great...

When should Software Testing Begin in SDLC?

Software testing is one of the most critical stages in creating any product (program, website, mobile application, etc.). It allows you to identify the...

Have Apps Transformed the World We Live in? 

First off, we need to establish exactly what an app is as there are various definitions out there. Fundamentally, an app is a software...

What Is Free Hosting And Offshore Hosting?

Let us guess, you either have a website that you want to move to another server or you're about to build a website and...

What Is the Internet of Things (IoT)

Have you heard the phrase "Internet of Things" and wondered what it means? Here is an analysis of the term and how this technology...

Neon Sign: Expectations vs. Reality

Neon signs are now becoming a trend among people because it really looks amazing when hung over the room. Neon lights were named after...

7 Emerging Technologies That are Changing the Way We Shop

The main goal of modern technology is to always push the boundaries when it comes to making our lives easier. Just think about all...