Honey is a healthy and delicious product that brings many benefits to the health of each person. People use it for thousands of years as a medicine.
Still, who would say that the combination of honey and CBD would also be a medicine one day?
Thanks to the scientists that work in this field, today we have CBD honey sticks. These straws are filled with CBD honey. The users can bring them in their bag or pocket wherever they want.
It is important to know that there are two types of honey sticks
- The Solid Kind, and
- The Liquid Kind
The liquid one is the type of stick that you can find in a sealed tube. On the other hand, the solid kind is similar to hard candy that people suck or stir into hot drinks such as tea.
However, we have noticed that people are not familiar at all with CBD honey sticks. That’s why we want to analyze them together with you.

How to Use CBD Honey Sticks?
There are various fun ways of how people use this product. As we already said, this product is “portable” and you can use it in any part of the day.
Using this product might wake up some memories that you had as a child. You can cut open the straw and suck out the CBD honey. However, you can also put the honey from the straw into your tea. Some people also like to mix it with yogurt and cereal.
Besides that, you can also put it on your skin to reduce the pain of burns and stings. This product can especially be helpful if you are spending night time somewhere in nature. It would be great if mosquito or any other bug bites you.
So, the usage of CBD honey sticks probably sounds fun. Still, if you do not know which benefits you can get, then you won’t have the necessary desire to use it.
Here a couple of benefits that each human being on the planet will get.

Benefits of CBD Honey Sticks
This is a subject that deserves in-depth analysis. Honey by itself has many benefits as well. When you add CBD to it, this medicine has at least twice a stronger impact on the health of the average people. If you are not familiar with the CBD industry, this comparison might give you a clear picture of the usefulness of CBD honey sticks.
Anyway, let’s be more precise. The list of benefits is long and we will highlight only those that are the most important ones
- Reduces the Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety
- Stimulates Appetite
- Inhibits cancer cell growth
- Relieves Pain
- Mediates psychotic disorders, etc.
It is important to say that CBD honey sticks are not magical. They do not cure diseases at once. Still, they are quite helpful for all the problems that we included on the list.

Will You Get High from Using CBD Honey Sticks?
It doesn’t matter which CBD product we review. People always have the same question – “Will I get high?” The answer to that question is simple – No, you won’t!
People that are not too familiar with CBD products usually mix them with THC products. There is a huge difference between these two things. THC is a substance responsible for the psychedelic effects. CBD honey sticks indeed contain this chemical compound. Still, it is a very small amount that is imperceptible. The main ingredient of this product is CBD.
So, do not worry, you won’t get high.
Using CBD honey sticks is completely safe. You won’t get high and you can use it in every moment for different purposes. If you think that this product should be in your pocket, you should visit Botanicam to inform yourself about this product more.