Cannabis has been growing immensely so far in the U.S. and the opium epidemic has aided it. The high addiction rate of opium has led to a ferocious death rate. It has been a crucial factor in over 70,000 deaths in 2018 that resulted in a drug overdose. That readily made it possible for cannabis to take over the pain neutralizer market. As its main components, THC and CBD can be regulated, thus leading to a less addictive effect.
However, cannabis has been discovered scientifically to be effective in the treatment of a range of illnesses that include cancer, Crohn’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Tourette syndrome, glaucoma, epilepsy, chronic pain among others. The beauty of the cannabis plant is in the chemical composition; it can be altered to give a range of effect, its psychoactive component can be enabled by manipulating the THC component and can be reduced by working on its CBD. The CBD and THC are the two main components of the cannabis plant.
These components are better referred to as cannabinoids; they are naturally occurring compositions of the cannabis plant and are about 480 in total. CBD(Cannabidiol) was discovered in 1940 and is responsible for about 40% of the plant extracts. In research carried out, it is the component responsible for cannabis’s ability to treat anxiety, Parkinson’s disease, Tourette’s syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease, and arthritis.

These two components are mainly responsible for the three types of strain available, which are indica, Sativa, and the hybrid. The cannabis indica is a cannabis plant variety grown for its high CBD content. It is known for its healing and relaxing properties and is used to treat pain, insomnia, headaches, and more. While the cannabis Sativa plant is known for its euphoric and mood-inducing properties, which can be ascribed to its high THC content. It is used medically for treating depression and anxiety.
The third strain type is a combination of the two, a hybrid, which has the right mix of THC and CBD components. It is used across different illnesses. Some scientists feel that the indica is of more value than the Sativa seeing that its properties make it more suitable for use across many diseases. However, the indica vs. sativa argument has seen in some quarters is hence irrelevant as more focus should be placed on their specifications rather than their ability. Veriheal presents this same argument.
These components also led to the discovery of the endocannabinoid system in the human body. This system is responsible for some physiological processes such as memory, mood, and appetite. A problem in this system exposes the body to a variety of illnesses. You would also observe that the processes this system is responsible for can be traced to the benefits of medical marijuana.
When cannabinoids are taken into the human body, they attach to cannabinoid receptors, which are mostly found in the brain and immune system. The most common cannabinoids include CBD, THC, THCA, CBDA, CBN. Let’s take a look at them.
CBD (Cannabidiol)

The CBD is probably the most medicinal cannabinoid there is. CBD has been discovered to relieve pain by acting on the endocannabinoid produced in the body. When appropriately combined with THC, it is used for chronic pain in arthritis and multiple sclerosis patients. It also helps in reducing anxiety and depression. A research conducted among some men who were about to have a public speaking engagement and were given CBD and a placebo 1 hour 30 minutes earlier. The results showed that those who were given CBD reacted better.
Research also shows that CBD inhibits the growth of cancer cells in patients as well as the reactions that accompany cancer treatment, such as vomiting and nausea. It also prevents acne, which is caused by bacteria and overproduction of sebum by the sebaceous glands. It prevents the kidneys from secreting excess sebum and aided anti-inflammation. It also reduces neurological disorders like epilepsy and multiple sclerosis. Research shows that it reduces epilepsy by at least 34% and reduces spasms drastically.
CBD has also been shown to lower blood pressure and keep the heart healthy, has antipsychotic effects, which make it a perfect substitute for opioids and has been shown to reduce diabetes.
THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol)

That is the most common compound in cannabis and is also responsible for the high that people feel has it has active psychotic elements. It is used in treating pain as it effectively blocks pain receptors in the brain. It has been highly effective for HIV patients in restoring their appetites and enhances their mood. It is also a powerful antioxidant that helps with stressors. This property helps keep the skin glowing and reduces the chances of cancer. When effectively combined with CBD, it reduces seizure disorders. It has also been used actively to induce sleep in insomnia patients when effectively combined with melatonin can aid sleep immensely.
THCA (tetrahydrocannabinolic acid)

That is a non-intoxicating cannabinoid and varies widely from THC if it hasn’t been decarboxylated but mostly the same if it has undergone heat. It is the main component found in raw and unprocessed cannabis. Herein also lies some of the uniqueness of the cannabis plant. Distinctly, it is used for its anti-emetic properties for appetite and nausea. It also has anti-proliferative properties that prevent prostate cancer and anti-inflammatory properties that treat lupus.
It is essential to add that as these components vary, they also have some overlapping effects.