Asians love tea and are one of the largest producers and consumers too. And there is not a single type, different plants are used to create different teas. Hemp is just one of those and if you are worried about getting high after drinking it, no worries. There is a component of the hemp plant that makes you high, it is called THC.
However, THC is not the only component of hemp. There is also CBD, which is known for its miraculous health benefits. The level of different components varies with the growth stage of the plant. As the plant matures and becomes more greenish, the level of THC decreases while CBD increases. Furthermore, the leaves used for making tea are also those of mature plants. Thus, the THC content is the lowest.
In addition to this, tea leaves are manufactured to make the THC as low as 0.02 percent. If the THC content increases this percentage, it won’t be legal to sell it in several countries. So if you are interested in buying hemp tea leaves, you can go to naturalstrains.co.uk and not only hemp tea, but you can also buy different CBD products from this Online Store.
Here are some of the other things that you should know if you are interested in hemp tea.
Not a regular tea

This drink is actually made from the seedless buds that are grounded and have the least THC content. Moreover, it also has antioxidants that are just like any other green tea. However, in addition to antioxidants, it also has CBD that makes it different from other teas.
Cannabinoid makes it different for mother drinks and also offers amazing health benefits. It improves your immune system and gives relief from cold and flu. Furthermore, if you are having a headache, it will act as a pain killer. Likewise, if you are recovering from a disease or surgery, you can drink this to treat inflammation. Because of all these positive aspects, CBD is known as a miraculous component of the hemp plant and makes it unique.
Main components

One of the major components of hemp tea is CBD. The tea is made from flowers of the finest quality. Therefore, these leaves are quite rich in cannabinoids and antioxidants. So if you are drinking hemp tea, it will surely bring a lot of healthy benefits.
Furthermore, CBD is a non-psychoactive and non-toxic component. Therefore, it does not have any side effects neither it will make you high.
1. Mature hemp tea

It is not something different from making other teas. So if you are a tea lover, you know how to do it. Preparing hemp tea is also the same with the only difference of water. CBD is not soluble in water. Therefore, it is recommended that you drink it with some milk. So it is basically a replacement for milk tea and a healthy alternative. Moreover, you can use coconut oil or a bit of regular butter too.
You need to take 1 tsp. of dry hemp leaves, this is enough to prepare a cup of tea. Although you can use water to prepare the tea but if you want to intake CBD, you should use milk. After pouring hot liquid on dry leaves, let the leaves soak hot fluid. To do so, you have to keep them there for 2 to 5 minutes. For a lighter drink, let the leaves settle in for 2 minutes and for a stronger taste, let it rest for 5 minutes.
Here are some of the health benefits of drinking mature hemp tea;
- It decreases the symptoms of nausea
- Especially good for stimulating appetite
- It improves the functionality of the gastrointestinal system
- Get rid of chronic pains
- It is especially good for the health of your heart
- Also decreases respiratory problems
- Treats pancreatic inflammation
- Lessens the occurrence of seizures
- Prevents and slows down the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease
It was all about the mature plant and there is so much more than this.
2. Young hemp tea

This is made from the young plant, therefore, do not expect a high CBD content. However, there are still vitamins in these dry clippings. Therefore, it is equally beneficial for your health. Furthermore, it is also easy to make. You get it in tea bags from the market, use it as any other tea.
Some of the other benefits of drinking tea of young hemp include;
- It increases the cell count of red blood
- Detoxification of your whole body
- It also treats hormonal imbalance
- You won’t suffer from kidney stones as it prevents their making
- Slows down the aging of cells
- It will improve gastrointestinal functions
- Promotes healing of wounds
- It is especially good for insomniacs
- it will also strengthen your bones
- enhances the performance of our immune system
- prevents the occurrence of bad breath by improving oral cavity
3. Root tea

The roots of the hemp plant are also quite useful in preparing tea. Unlike other teas, you don’t use dry roots, instead of fresh ones. Furthermore, if you are planning to prepare it at home, it will be a bit time taking. Because you have to clean the root, dry it and then make its powder. However, if you want to save yourself from all this trouble, you can simply use tea bags that are already available in the market.
Health benefits of root tea include;
- A medicine for toothaches
- Treats postpartum hemorrhage
- Also, treat fever and bruises
- Healthy for joint pain
- Roots have friedelin that protects our liver and is also an antioxidant
- They also have Epifriedelanol that prevents the formation of tumors
- It is also healthy for treating cancer because of the presence of pentacyclic triterpene ketones that kills tumor cells and act as a diuretic