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How to get IB diploma?

Source: eibparis.com

Studying at foreign universities so that the academic difference does not interfere with further education is necessary because this is the only way to fully acquire knowledge already in the main program. For this purpose, the International Baccalaureate, IB, was created. The program was created for children from 3 to 19 years old within the framework of secondary education.

The IB system was first used in 1948. It is based on concepts such as globalism, cosmopolitanism, and bilingualism, which were formulated and identified by the French educator Marie-Therese Morette. So, how to get IB diploma?

The system itself includes three programs. The categories are divided according to the student’s age and level of development.

  • Primary Years Program (PYP) — for children from 3 to 12 years old.
  • Middle Years Program (MYP) — for teenagers from 11 to 16 years old.
  • Diploma Program (DP) — for high school students from 16 to 19 years old.

The entire program is designed in such a way that after its completion, the student becomes an inquisitive and comprehensively developed person. The emphasis here is not on getting knowledge but on getting flexible skills. Such a person will solve problems independently in the future, adapt to the changed conditions, and establish contacts with people of different views. How do you get an IB diploma?

World practice of schools with the IB diploma program

Source: academiccourses.com

About 150 countries around the world support the system. Based on this program, more than 5,000 schools are now open and actively operating worldwide.

There are more than a thousand such schools in the USA. In Europe, Switzerland has the most such establishments, which can be found in France, Germany, and Italy.

Why choose such establishments? All students receive high-quality education that meets international standards in all requirements and conditions. Students select several subjects that they will study in depth. They don’t have to be in the same field. Many prestigious universities and scholarships are awarded to students who have completed such studies.

They are ready to study an in-depth program at the best universities. Plus, flexible skills help you adapt to any conditions at the university. Let’s consider how to get an international baccalaureate diploma.

Recent changes in the IB program

There is not a single area that has not been affected by the coronavirus, including the conduct of various international exams. At the time of the pandemic, most exams were canceled. At this point, distance learning programs and exams began to develop actively.

Online courses and tests have become a solution for many students. This method has made the systems more accessible. Now they say that artificial intelligence will become an assistant for learning.

The programs have become more adapted; that is, they take into account the individual characteristics of the student and their current level of knowledge. All training systems bring more results because everyone gets exactly what they need

Essence of IB

Source: ideas.time.com

Let’s take a closer look at what a program is, exactly how it works, and how to get IB certificate.

The main difference from similar options is a holistic approach that covers a large amount of knowledge and skills that will be useful to you in training and real-time. Students develop critical thinking, communication in an intercultural environment, and the ability to make quick decisions. Although the system itself differs depending on the level, let’s look at all the categories to understand exactly how to get a diploma.

The Primary Years Program (PYP) sets the main goal to form students’ desire to gain knowledge and learn to cooperate in order to solve joint tasks. In total, children must master the main six subjects: languages, mathematics, natural sciences, technology, art, and physical education.

Middle Years Program, MYP is a system that is designed to work specifically with teenagers. They are taught independence so that they can make decisions and interact with the team. The list of standard subjects is similar to the junior system, but the student chooses subjects that will be studied at an advanced level.

The Diploma Program, DP aims to prepare students for admission to the best universities. The whole process divides all subjects into three groups. The main subjects are studied in depth at a high level. Such lessons are chosen at the middle stage. The second group includes subjects that are required for study. These are mathematics, English, and natural sciences. There are separate elective subjects that are chosen by students who want to specialize in a particular field.

In addition, there is a separate Career-related Program, CP, which aims to gain the knowledge and skills needed for a career. They gain professional experience in their chosen field. Such a system is flexible since it can go along with obtaining a diploma or be selected separately in order to focus on a career direction.

Requirements for the IB diploma program

Source: bau.edu

A standard set of requirements is mandatory for those who want to study under this system. How do I get an IB certificate?

  • Send a motivation letter ─ The main things that you should identify are your goals, motivation, and achievements. It’s worth pointing out your interests.
  • Have an interview with the program coordinator. You will be asked questions to find out not only about the training and success but also about plans after completion or personal qualities.
  • Choose the subjects to study ─ They should be interesting to you and designed for your future career. It is advisable to choose one direction.
  • Take the entrance exam ─ The exam includes written work and interviews. You will have to demonstrate your knowledge in some subjects. The exam itself is held in English.
  • Get an invitation to study ─ When all the preparation is completed, an invitation is sent to your email or phone. And you can start studying after filling out the documents and paying the entrance fee.

English schools in Russia offer education that follows a modern system. They can offer high-quality knowledge, flexible skills, and an individual approach. Everyone there can offer training that will understand how to get an IB program.

If you are aiming to get an education according to the program, then you should take the preparation responsibly. In fact, this is a complex and multi-level process, and professional help is required. Teachers and programs that are built for the student, his level, and desires.