Reading all the reports on your PC/laptop, watching TV, swapping, and scrolling through social media are some things that half the population across the globe does. So, it’s safe to say that every individual spends plenty of time staring at the digital screen.
The blue lights that emit electronic devices can cause blurry visions, watery eyes, dry eyes, and cataracts. But you can easily receive proper protection from blue light, and for that, you need special glasses.
The Blue Light: What Exactly Is It?
Blue light is a shade of the spectrum. Other colors that you will encounter are indigo, red, orange, green, yellow, and violet. On the other hand, you will know them through their acronym “ROY G BIV,” and together, they create the white light that you see when you look at the sun.
LED or Light-Emitting Diode and Fluorescent Lights also give out blue light. Each of the colors of the spectrum carries a different wavelength. Blue light carries high energy and shorter wavelength when compared with the other lights in the spectrum.
Several studies have shown a connection between short-wave blue light and the human eyes with a wavelength of 415 nanometres to 455 nanometres. Most of the blue light emitted from smartphones, laptops, PCs, and tablets carries a wavelength of 490 nanometres to 900 nanometres.

The Blue Light And The Human Eyes
Blue light, along with ultraviolet and high-energy light from the sun, can increase the chances of eye conditions or diseases. This has also raised plenty of concerns about whether blue from digital cameras are harmful to the eyes. For that, a lot of research is required.
Professionals have claimed that Computer Vision Syndrome or digital eye strain can affect up to 50% of PC or laptop users. Some of the symptoms one can feel are dry eyes, headaches, watery eyes, blurred vision, and irritation in the eyes.
Apart from that, blue light can also damage the retinas, which is called phototoxicity. But the amount of damage, which the retinas will receive will depend heavily on the exposure time and wavelength. Animal studies have provided evidence that even a short exposure can be pretty harmful.
Blue light can also give birth to permanent vision changes, and the majority of the blue light will pass directly at the backside of your retina. Several researches have also provided evidence that blue light can also cause macular degeneration. This is a disease that is caused in the retina.
Sleep And Blue Light
Screen time, especially during the night, gives birth to poor sleep. The blue light transmitted from your electric device jumbles with the sleep cycle or circadian rhythm. It sends beacons to your brain to wake up or stay awake went should be turning down.
According to a study, 2 hours of exposure to blue light during the nighttime can stop or slow down the discharge of the sleep hormone, known as melatonin. You can power down your electronic devices for at least 3 hours will surely help and improve your sleep.

The Blue Light & Cancer
Exposure to blue light can increase the chances of certain cancers in people. Individuals who work during a night shift have a high chance of developing breast, colorectal, and prostate cancers.
Blue Light And Children
You and your child’s eyes do not filter the blue light. When your children get affected by blue light, it can increase attention-focusing problems, obesity, and nearsightedness. During the night, the blue night will slow the release of melatonin, which will keep them awake.
So, if you want to protect your kid’s eye from the blue light, you need to limit their screen time. You have to put away all the electronic devices, including the handheld ones at least 1 ½ hours away from them.

Mental Health And The Blue Light
Animal studies have shown evidence that nighttime exposure to blue light gave rise to symptoms like depression. But the blue light during the day delivers the opposite effect. Blue light has been used for treating SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder. It’s a form of depression, which is related to the changing of seasons. Experts say that about 20 minutes of exposure to sunlight will surely help lessen the SAD symptoms.
All Blue Is Not That Bad
Yes, blue light is indeed harmful to your eyes. But not all of them. It’s pretty much well-documented that some blue light is highly beneficial for your health. On the other hand, blue light is also necessary for the body to control the natural sleep cycle and wakefulness. When you receive blue light during the day, it will help in promoting healthy Circadian Rhythm and but too much blue night during late-night can easily disrupt the sleep cycle.

Using Filters And Protective Eyewear For Blue Light
When you are constantly on your phone, PC, or tablet for emailing, texting, and working, you can reduce the blue light by blue light filters. These filters are available for all electronic devices, tablets, smartphones, PCs, and laptops.
The filters will prevent the blue light from reaching into your eyes without causing any issues to the display’s visibility. Another way to shield your eyes from blue light is through the uniquely-crafted blue light glasses.
They are made specially made for protecting your eyes from the blue light. Wearing these classes will prevent headaches, dry eyes, and eye strain from taking place. These glasses will reduce the glare and have an anti-reflective coating, which blocks the blue light.
Final Thoughts
Blue night is not just harmful to your eyes, but getting exposed to it too much can cause many problems to your eyes. But on the other hand, exposure to blue light is not necessary to maintain good health. Consuming eye supplements such as Lutein and Zeaxanthin can help to improve your eye health and filter out harmful blue light. Check out H&F to discover more. This article carries all the useful information about blue light that will help in educating you about it.