As a non-surgical, less invasive solution to removing the “double chin”, Kybella was introduced to the cosmetic market in 2015. And everyone was beyond excited to see the promising results it will give to thousands of people with the problem of excessive fat accumulation under the chin. It was to be the first injectable fat destroyer to provide long term effects.
Before Kybella, fat reducing injections were the least popular of all non-surgical treatments. Kybella gave people who are not willing to undergo invasive surgical procedures and the opportunity to permanently get rid of fat, by using a less invasive alternative available in cosmetics centers specialized in injectables. For more information about such centers and what they offer to visit cosmeticinjectables.com.
Kybella was produced by Allergan, a company best known for making its famous wrinkle-smoothing product, Botox. The essential compound of Kybella injection is a bile acid found in the intestines, used by the human body to destroy/absorb fat cells. A synthetic version of deoxycholic acid. When injected it permanently destroys fat cell pockets under the chin, preventing them from forming again.

The excessive fat accumulating under the chin results in a much older, overweight appearance. Once this fat is removed, a complete count of the face and neck area changes. The jaw is smoothly outlined and the neck appears to look more attractive and defined.
The procedure of injecting Kybella is relatively simple and easy. However, before deciding to try it out, do consult with your doctor about any conditions you may have, that could result in complications. In case you suffer from any kind of inflammation or irritation in the chin and neck area, the procedure should be skipped. Also, in case you have been planning any other facial surgery shortly, now might not be the time for Kybella. If your condition requires you to take medications for making the blood thinner, do skip Kybella. Anyway, be as open as possible towards your doctor, before you start the procedure.
As it is the case with any cosmetic treatments in the face area, preparation requires you to remove the make-up and clean your face and neck area. Before applying the injection, the doctor will probably outline the areas where the injections will be applied with a marker. Since the needles entering the area under the skin will give you some discomfort, you should consult with your doctor the usage of some ointment that creates numbness, local anesthetics, ice, or a combination of these that will minimize the feeling of discomfort. It is important to know that needles used for the treatment are not long, and do not go deep, so there is no need to be afraid. The approximate number of injection application is between 20 to 50. The acid injected then slowly works on killing the fat cells.

The whole procedure lasts approximately 10 minutes and can cause swelling and a sensation of burning in the treated area. These sensations can last up to fifteen minutes after the procedure. However, the swelling in the treated area in some cases can last up to two weeks, followed by the feeling of tightness in the neck area and below the chin.
The usage of pain killers is perfectly ok if you want to reduce the discomfort to a minimum.
Kybella requires a couple of follow-up treatments. The first one should take place after four to eight weeks. All of this might sound uncomfortable, but the fact that it gives lasting effects, because of the skin tightening happening in the neck area, makes it worthwhile.
The entire treatment of removing the fat should take a maximum of four sessions, often even less. But you should be aware that how quickly you will see the first effects of Kybella treatment depends entirely on your constitution. Consulting the doctor about the results is a good idea, but to prevent disappointments do not take it as the ultimate truth.

Like it was already mentioned, Kybella gives lasting effect, but you should also consider changing your life habits to prevent fat accumulation in other areas of your body and not become dependent on the surgical procedures. Introducing new eating habits and physical workout in your daily routine will be a solution to the problem of excessive fat accumulation in your body.
When researching the internet about the Kybella procedure you will surely notice some articles debating its consequences. Approximately three years after it was introduced to the beauty market, several debates were happening among doctors working in plastic surgery about its effectiveness. Some said they experienced results to be somewhat disappointing and that usage of no needle can compare to the results offered by the surgery. It simply brings quicker results.
On the other side, you had professionals blaming the doctors’ approach to the patient using Kybella treatments, saying they have a key role in shaping patients’ expectations from the treatment. Presenting the way it works in the right way is important. The second important thing is how they perform the procedure. Double chin or excess fat under the chin cannot be removed by just one injection. A person needs to undergo a series of treatments, depending on their reaction to the first one. The swelling and tenderness of the area have to be experienced as well. It was discovered that many doctors avoided the correct dosage of Kybella because they were afraid of the patients’ reactions to the swelling. With the right dosage, Kybella does give expected results. Doctors should not be afraid to use the recommended dosage per treatment.

Kybella treatments are not covered by health insurance, as it is the case with most of the beautifying treatments. You can expect to spend between $1,200 to $1,800 for a single treatment. The total cost will depend on the number of treatments you will have.
Some professionals see Kybella treatments as a promising future solution to reducing the persistent fat accumulation in different areas of the human body (armpit pouches, fat pads under the eyes, inner knee fat, bra bulges, and so on). At this moment, we can only hope the solution will come soon.