Very often, every student or business professional encounters the task of writing an essay. These may be in the form of assignments for educational coursework or presentations or proposals for business professionals. Therefore, it is very essential for anyone in the business industry to develop good business article writing skills.
What makes a good business essay?
A characteristically good business essay is anchored on one thing, meticulous research. As such, you are supposed to make sure you are able to find good resources to support your arguments throughout the essay. Another important factor is to use the proper citation format to recognize the sources you got your information from conspicuously within the business article, and as well as in the list of references at the end page of the paper.
A business essay or business writing’s main purpose is to inform a reader in clear and readable language in order to persuade him or her and steer them towards a specific business idea in line with the core objectives of the writer. Therefore, thinking about your purpose for the article and audience before you create an outline for your essay will enable you to focus on the most relevant areas of your topic and more clearly demonstrate your main point better. Although writing a good essay takes a big chunk of time and thought, effective business writing is an invaluable tool for communication.

Organizations of all sizes depend on essays and business proposals to develop new mergers with prospective partners, investors and even consumers. It would be accurate to say that all business relations are anchored in proposal and article writings. Write your first business story on this discourse that allows you to publish freely and anonymously so that you can check how inspiring your story is without showing your identity.
What is the secret to writing a good business essay?
This is an ambiguous question that can generate all sorts of answers. There is no perfect way of writing a business article, however, there are various techniques and procedures that people use to plan and write business essays depending on the kind of article and it is intended purpose. In this article, we are going to focus on simple basic tips that one can use to develop business essays of good standards.
For college students, it is important to note that whenever you have a business article and maybe you are strapped for time, or you are bombarded with tons of coursework or assignments, you can always find quick help from experts at homeworkdoer.org. Nevertheless, the following pointers should be able to help you write a basically good business essay on your own.

- As mentioned above, to write a good business essay you should start by determining the purpose of writing your article. Are you trying to persuade your reader towards investing in a particular business idea, or do you want to inform them of a new product in the market or development of certain business, or are you trying to make an argument to support a certain idea in accordance to the principles of business? The purpose you have will dictate the tone of the essay, the research sources you will need, the methods and presentation that you will go with for your article.
- The next step is to consider the intended audience of your article. It is vital to pay attention to how that audience will affect the tone and structure of the essay. Then, tailor your article to fit your audience’s requirements. Consider why they will be reading your essay, what should they do after they read your article and their stand-point when reading the article. Ask yourself questions like, are they reading as possible consumers or they are reading as prospective business partners? Are they reading as assessors to evaluate your knowledge and methods of professional expression or they are reading to expound their knowledge of the idea or argument you are presenting?
- Now, create an outline of your main points. The outline should be sure to include the main question or argument and its supporting evidence. It should also include any counterarguments or counterpoints that oppose the idea presented. The final inclusions should be your conclusion to explain why you support the idea in consideration to the arguments and counterarguments that will have previously been explained. Be sure to use concrete evidence whenever possible, and always cite any references used.

- The step that follows is to make a rough draft of your essay using the outline you made for guidance. Then slowly try to explain each point clearly and concisely. This part would come automatically considering you had already planned your ideas thoughtfully in the outline. Make sure you state all your main points in the first paragraph and mention your conclusion clearly in the final section of your essay’s introduction.
- Consider carefully the structure of your articles first draft. Does your argument or your idea flow logically? If it does not, consider changing some block text to bullet or numbered points to increase readability. Use specific and informative section titles and subtitles to make your article easier and more interesting to read. No matter the intention of your article, readability is a MAJOR consideration for every article. It does not matter how compelling your arguments maybe if it isn’t easy to read for the audience, important points will be lost in the text and the intended message won’t be adequately delivered.
- Examine the tone and sentence structure of your essay’s draft and make any necessary changes. Although your tone should always be polite, professional and sincere, it may also be enthusiastic, persuasive or confident; depending on the purpose of the article it’s intended audience.
Source: Fastweb - Proofread the first draft your article for grammar and spelling corrections and make sure it communicates the intended idea. If possible, have a colleague or friend read through the article to make sure of this.
- Write the final text of your article considerate of all the changes made to the first draft. Go through the article one more time and ensure you have made proper citations in the required format and to avoid plagiarism penalties.
Following the few mentioned steps will ensure you have a good business article to present your audience.